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National Office of Security Enforcement

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National Office of Security Enforcement Empty National Office of Security Enforcement

Post  Tony Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:28 am


/(r)adio - This radio is used to talk to other NOOSE officers.
/(d)epartments - It allows you to communicate in the department chat.
/(m)egaphone - This is the megaphone. This is an extremely useful tool that will alert anybody within a large area.
/(su)spect - This allows you to charge someone with a crime. They must be online though. Each time you /su someone, they increase a star./ticket - You can use this command to write up a ticket for someone. Then, they have to pay it.
/noose - The locker room is an important part of NOOSE, as you will get your uniform and weapons here.
/mdc - Search through the police database to find information about citizens and LEO factions.
/detain - After cuffing someone, detain them to send them into your car.
/arrest - If you need to arrest someone, use this command. They must be detained in your vehicle though.
/warrantarrest - Arresting at a warrant arrest point.
/wanted - This command shows you the list of wanted criminals online.
/cuff - This allows you to cuff someone so they can't move.
/uncuff - You can uncuff someone that has been cuffed.
/tazer - Unholster a tazer that when fired stun the criminal.
/frisk - Used to see all the items someone is carrying.
/take - Ability to take items that someone is carrying. (You don't take them for yourself. You take them and drop them)
/ticket - Ability to ticket a player due to driving offences.
/ram - Go through house.
/deployspikes - Command is used to place spikes on a road.
/deploycone - Used to lay down a cone.
/deployflare - Light a flare for people around to see.
/deploycade - Deploy barricades on a road to protect or block an area.
/destroycade - Destroy barricades that has been placed.
/destroyspikes - Command to destroy spikes that have been placed.
/destroyflare - Destroy a flare that has been placed.
/destroycone - Destroy a cone that has been placed.
/spikestrip - Checks the number of spike strips that are currently layed out.
/cones - Checks the number of cones that are currently layed out.
/flares - Checks the number of flares that are currently layed out.
/wants - Brings up Outstanding Warrants List.
/vcheck - Allows you to check registration, name, owner, and tickets of a car.
/vmdc - Allows you to check the different cars a player has.
/destroyplant - It will allow you to destroy drugs that have been planted.
/radargun - Used to find the speed of vehicles. You will take out a camera and then you take a picture of the vehicle.
/searchcar - Allows you to search a car for anything illegal.
/docarrest - This is to arrest someone for a longer time at the Correction Facility in San Fierro.
/siren - It will put a small siren on the hood of your car. Once you get out of the car, the siren will disable again.

Posts : 18
Join date : 2012-01-02

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